
USPSA – United States Practical Shooting Association

We meet on the 4th Saturday each month, weather permitting. We utilize all 5 east pistol bays.

The stages of a USPSA match will test a wide variety of shooting challenges. The main thing that sets USPSA apart from other practical shooting sports is that except for special classifier stages, it is up to the shooter to decide the fastest and most efficient way to complete the course of fire.

The way USPSA matches are scored is another draw to the sport for many. Scores are calculated using both the time to complete the course and accuracy scored by accumulated points. In this way both speed and accuracy are relatively equally important.

Matches typically require 120-130 rounds minimum. Stages typically require 22-28 rounds, but will never exceed 32 rounds. Some stages may require reloads at specific points during the course of fire or may require the use of strong hand or weak hand only shooting.

There is a division for pretty much nay centerfire handgun and well as pistol caliber carbine. You will need your handgun, a holster, 2-3 magazines and mag pouches.

 Matches are $20, juniors (age 17 un under) $10. We utilize Practiscore for match registration. Look up 2Alpha Practical Shooters. Our USPSA club designation is MO21.

You can read more about USPSA at USPSA.org. There you can find the specific division equipment requirements along with the competition rules. There are also many YouTube videos to be found.

For questions or more information about our local matches, contact Match Director, Walt Coltrin, Ph (417) 569-2836 or email at USPSA2Alpha@gmail.com. You can also visit the 2Alpha Practical Shooters Facebook page