
Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Springfield Benchrest Rifle Club’s FAQ page, where we address some common questions about our club and its activities. Discover details about our range facilities, membership requirements, shooting events, safety protocols, and much more. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re dedicated to fostering a community of skilled shooters and ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all our members. Thank you for considering us as your shooting destination!

Springfield Benchrest Rifle Club P.O. Box 4543 Springfield, Mo.  65808

646 Kastendieck Rd., Billings, MO

 SBRC was founded in 1968.  Some of the founding members are still active in the club!

  Yes.  We have a limit of 400 dues paying members. Not everyone that applies is accepted.

Facilities vary.  The upper ranges consist of a cowboy range, a 25 yard range with covered benches, and 50,  75, 100, 200 and 300 yard ranges, all with covered benches.  We have 2 informal clay bird throwers as well.  The lower range has 5 bays of various sizes for USPSA and IDPA competition,

  Yes.  We are a NRA affiliated range.

 Generally, whatever you want, except for fully automatic or bump fire weapons.  No rifles or shotguns on the pistol ranges or at pistol/steel targets.

 There’s a $200 initiation fee and dues are $200 per year.

No.  The range is open during the public during scheduled matches.

 Simply click the membership button above and fill out the linked application.  You’ll need a sponsoring member. Read the membership page for more information.

The strength of the Springfield Benchrest Rifle Club is its outstanding membership; club members come from all walks of life. You will meet some genuinely nice people at the range.

  Club members must be upright, law abiding citizens, who are legally able to own firearms in the state of Missouri. All members and guests are expected to abide by the rules of the club and to conduct themselves in a safe, polite manner, showing respect to other shooters on the range. Members and prospective members are asked to contribute their skills to the club by their participation in scheduled work days at the range.

 The club is located at 646 Kastendieck Road, which is about one and one half miles west of Billings, Missouri. Directions from Billings are: go west about one and one half miles on highway 60 toward Marionville, MO. Turn right on Kastendieck road. *this is the first road on your right after you pass the yellow blinking signal light and go through the passing zone on highway 60. After you have turned right on Kastendieck road, it comes to a “t” after about ten yards. Bear to the left, go past a small white house, over the rail road tracks and about 500 yards down the road, you will see the range facility on your left.

  Just go to the contact us page and let us know.  We’ll get right back to you and set up a tour.

We'll see you at the range!